Heat calculation and analysis were done during the melting in a vacuum consumable electro-arc furnace to obtain the average temperature in the furnace, with the contact resistance relating to the main parts of the furnace calculated and discussed. 通过对真空自耗电弧炉熔炼时的热量计算和分析,得出了炉内平均温度。
Analysis and study of process condition affecting contact shoe's life-span in submerged-arc furnace 影响矿热炉铜瓦寿命的工艺条件分析与研究【矿】黄铁矿,黄铜矿
When mounting the element horizontally the slot in the terminal end should not come in contact with the insulation in the wall of the furnace or kiln. 在水平安装这种电热元件时,终端的槽孔不可以接触到炉壁或者是炉窖上的绝缘体。
Application of pouring copper steel contact shoe to ferroalloy electric arc furnace 铜钢浇铸式铜瓦在铁合金电炉上的应用
Discussion on development trend of contact shoe in ore smelting electric arc furnace 矿热熔炼电炉铜瓦发展趋势的探讨
The style of main part furnace was outer cycle, and some parts of calciner were optimized, such as setting outlet valve in end of the furnace, enlarging contact area between ring and serving wheel, installing three rows of heating pipes with wings in the furnace. 煅烧炉型为外返式,并对炉体局部进行了优化:炉尾设出料阀,加大滚圈与托轮的接触面积,炉内设置三排带翅片的加热管。
The methods of short network layout, direct welding or both compression joint and welding between connections are concluded according to long trem practices to reduce electric resistance in contact surface, increase integral electrical conductivity of the short network and power factor of the furnace. 长期生产实践总结出矿热炉短网布置与各个联结部位采用直接焊接或压接加焊接,软母线整体浇注等方法,可降低接触面的电阻,提高短网整体导电性能与电炉功率因数。
The paper explains the experiment of smelting silver based electric contact materials and silver based solder by medium-frequency induction furnace with graphite and clay crucible. It compares the effects of the two type crucibles on the compositions of the melted materials. 分别用石墨坩埚和粘土坩埚对银基电触头材料和银基钎料进行中频熔炼试验,比较两种坩埚对所熔炼材料成分的影响。
Design and application of graphite contact shoe in a electric arc furnace 电弧炉石墨电瓦的设计与应用
Practice for use of graphite contact shoe instead of clamp in silicon metal furnace 工业硅电炉中采用石墨瓦的生产实践
The circle of contact takes on time averaged, instantaneity, periodicity and crumbliness in flow field of angle burner high length-with ratio furnace. 角式喷燃、高长宽比炉膛中,切圆在流场中旋转,具有时均性、瞬时性、周期性和破碎性。燃烬风反切可有效降低出口速度偏差,从而降低出口烟温偏差。
The vertical bonding process by malting in the key process for manufacturing solid contacts. The contact of CuW was bonded with the tail of CrCu by malting in a vertical atmosphere-controllable sintering furnace. 自力型CuW/CrCu整体弧触头的立式熔接工艺是指在立式气氛可控烧结炉内对CuW触头部分与尾部CrCu熔结的过程,是制造整体触头的关键技术。
The shortage of contact shoe in ore smelting electric arc furnace is analysed from its performance. 从矿热炉对铜瓦的性能要求方面分析了铸造铜瓦的缺陷。
The design and improvement situation are summarized on contact clamp, electrode holder, low hood structure, furnace charging system and great current system. 概述了铁合金电炉钢瓦、电极把持器、矮烟罩结构、电炉加料系统及大电流系统的设计和改造情况。
This paper describes contact reaction diffusion brazing process of copper aDoy parts with joint local coats of brush forming interim liquid in furnace shielded with inert gas. 介绍了在铜质零件上局部电刷镀多元合金后,把零件放入惰性气体保护炉内,连接处形成过渡液相的接触反应扩散钎焊工艺。
The structure improvment of main contact tip of top hat annealing furnace 罩式退火炉主触头结构的改进
Touch Location Analysis of the Contact Point Between the Surfaces of the Steel Tube and the Screw Spiral Teeth in Annealing Furnace 回火炉钢管与螺杆螺旋线齿面触点位置分析
After replaced the contact tip by clubs one, the fixed guiding device by automatic guiding and locating, the furnace is nearly no need to maintain and possesses the advantage of saving material, saving energy and easily control, etc. 将触头装置改为梅花触头,导入装置由固定机构改为自动导入、自动定位系统后,罩式炉达到了免修水平,并具有节材、节电、易控制等优点。